I recently discovered that I had 900 patterns.
And now I have only 750. (approximate figure here - it could be more because I just got more patterns in the mail and my husband bought me 2)
I gave away 100 to a thrift store.
I gave away 50 to some friends.
And I only had 2 duplicate patterns in my patterns. (thank you photgraphic memory!)
I recently re-organized my patterns - I own a pattern cabinet - by Simplicity - that JoAnn's was gettin rid of many years ago when they were remodeling several stores here in town.
It is now organized:
~ Pattern pieces and instructions are in 5x8 envelopes labeled with the letter of the company and the 4 digit number.
~Envelopes are stored in drawers according to manufactor right now - in numerical order, of course
~Pattern front envelopes are stored in clear plastic pages in notebooks, according to type (skirt, pants, etc).
~There is a notebook for men & boys, children, and then home decor/crafts, and costumes.
Yeah. I have a lot of patterns. The funny thing - I have sewn at least 1/2 of them at some time...
Local woman finishes last summer dress of 2024
5 months ago
Hi Ginny, it is good to be back in contact with you. I thought I posted a comment earlier but it is not here, so I will try again. Here is my blog address: